ProjectThe Agent 0011 projectStudents supporting sustainable and inclusive citiesCitizen participationGood Governance and Citizen ParticipationPartnerAmref Health Africa Onlus, CESVI Onlus , Cittadinanzattiva Onlus, International Volunteer Service for Development (VIS) Onlus , Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), La Fabbrica Spa DonorItalian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)Stakeholders University of Turin, Cattolica University, University of Naples "L'Orientale", Sapienza- University of Rome, Tam Tam d’Afrique Association Objective of the projectWe contributed to increase awareness, critical understanding and active participation on the topics of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development among school-aged children and citizens.Abstract of the projectThe project promoted the active involvement of students, citizens, associations and institutions through: local participatory paths to make 6 cities (Turin, Milan, Rome, Naples, Syracuse, Catania) more inclusive, safe, long-lasting and sustainable; online and offline educational activities using social networks, interactive games, challenges between different classes, and exchanges with classes from India and Kenya and national and local communication campaigns to promote the project and the Sustainable Development Goals.Context analysisThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development came officially into force in January 2016. The Agenda includes 17 so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ranging from ending all forms of poverty to tackling climate change. The achievement of these ambitious goals requires the engagement of a variety of stakeholders including governments, civil society, the private sector etc. Italy is among the world countries which has adopted the Agenda. However, the general public is not very much aware of the existence of this Agenda and of the relevance of the above-mentioned goals for our everyday life. This means that individuals and communities are not aware about their role and the resources they can use to bring about change and ask those who are responsible to do so.Via Giovanni Boccaccio, 4, 20123 Milano MI, ItalyTurin, TO, ItaliaRome, RM, ItaliaNaples, NA, ItaliaSiracusa, Siracusa, SR, ItaliaCatania, CT, ItaliaThe project was implemented in 6 italian cities including Turin, Milan, Rome, Neaples, Siracusa, and Catania.Implementation Period 01/03/2017 - 31/08/2018BeneficiariesDirect6000 students involved in the online platform’s activities 82 classes, 2.000 citizens, 38 local associations and 21 local institutions’ representatives Indirect7 local communities benefited from the renovation and improvement of urban spaces 4,5 million people reached with communication activitiesProject StrategyActivitiesEducational activities (online/offline)Community participatory planning activitiesAwareness raising activities OutputsOne interactive online platform created 5.000 educational activities and digital contents developed 7 territorial participatory planning paths organizedCommunication and dissemination material produced and distributed Outcomes300 classes involved in the activities on the online platform improved their awareness of the sustainable development goals 82 classes, 2.000 citizens, 38 local associations and 21 local institutions’ representatives involved in the territorial participatory planning activities 7 proposals for the renovation and improvement of urban spaces developed Nearly 4,5 million people, particularly youth, reached with communication activities LinksDo you want to know more projects on citizen participation? / View websiteAttachments REPORT DI VALUTAZIONE FINALE_AGENTE 0011 Previous Next