ToolkitsSEGIE project: promoting gender-equal practices and building inclusive business models in european social enterprises As part of the SEGIE project, ActionAid supervised and coordinated the creation of four practical handbooks with pedagogical content aimed at European social enterprises. The goal is to strengthen the approach of businesses to gender equality and inclusion through an intersectional perspective. These handbooks are designed to help social economy enterprises recognize and address forms of gender-based violence, take concrete measures to transform their business models, improve internal practices, and reorganize supply chains, thereby contributing to the reduction of gender inequalities. SEGIE is a project co-financed by the European Union through FSE+ (European Social Fund Plus) and implemented in partnership with Empow'Her Global, Acube Società Benefit Srl and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Download pdf Discover other resources related to the topic women's rights WOMEN'S RIGHTSRead more Project reportBRIGHT Project: methodologies and techniques of listening to migrant workers WOMEN'S RIGHTSRead more ToolkitsWomen’s empowerment. A guideline document
WOMEN'S RIGHTSRead more Project reportBRIGHT Project: methodologies and techniques of listening to migrant workers