

Youth @cting for climate justice: building a paradigm of online and offline engagement in the covid era

Good Governance and Citizen Participation

Objective of the project

We aim Enhance civic and democratic engagement of youth at EU level, through a pilot-tested methodology, using digital means adapted to youth needs and contemporary reality

Abstract of the project

@CTJUST is a project that has experimented with and defined the right mix of physical and digital activities necessary to improve youth engagement. The selected thematic area to test the engagement methodology is climate justice, which has been receiving increasingly greater interest from young people. In doing so, the project aims to, on one hand, involve, empower, and connect young people online through European action-led initiatives and digital youth mobility related to climate justice; on the other hand, create structured online and offline cooperation among youth NGOs, policymakers, and institutional stakeholders to unite young people from across the EU, strengthening their European identity.

Context analysis

Digital work and smart work on one hand, and mobility on the other, have emerged as a new trend/practice among the younger generations. The use of innovative digital forms of participation increasingly motivates young people to engage in action-led initiatives and policy-making. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accentuated this trend, with many youth activities moving online. It is within this context that the ActJust project is positioned, aiming to seize the opportunities arising from digitalization.








The project is implemented in 7 European countries: Greece, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Austria, Lithuania, and Serbia.

Implementation Period

15/05/2021 - 15/05/2023



  • 8 participating NGOs;
  • 280 young people aged between 18 and 30;
  • 200 youth organizations, NGOs, and foundations active in the fields of civic participation, climate justice, and non-discrimination;
  • 30 public authorities responsible for youth agendas and climate justice in EU countries (National Youth Agencies, Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development, Municipalities, European Commission, and Parliament).


  • National agencies that will contribute to the modernization of the European Youth Strategy.
  • Other sectors of the population, who will enhance their knowledge and understanding of climate justice as a global issue.

Project Strategy


  • Online discussions to identify common EU challenges related to climate justice.
  • Online training courses on designing and organizing initiatives in the field of climate justice.
  • 3 physical learning mobilities focused on brainstorming a pan-European project for climate justice.
  • Digital youth mobility, with the opportunity to participate online in initiatives held in another EU country.
  • Multi-stakeholder policy hackathons at national and European levels to present the results of their initiatives.
  • Monitoring of political progress by the involved youth regarding their country’s policy.


  • Methodology tested in 7 EU countries for engaging youth online and offline in civic and democratic life through action-led initiatives, physical and digital mobility.
  • Youth agenda on climate justice developed by 70 young people in the EU.
  • Training program on action-led initiatives for climate justice (210 young people trained).
  • Action-led initiatives carried out by 70 young people in 7 countries as part of a pan-European project, with 25 young people involved in digital mobility, 108 in physical mobility, and 980 mentoring sessions.
  • EU policy briefing on climate justice.
  • 8 multi-stakeholder policy hackathons promoting political dialogue on climate justice (470 participants).
  • MOU between youth NGOs (20 signatories).
  • EU Youth Working Group (20 members) monitoring the adoption of the programmatic document.
  • Recommendations for National Youth Agencies.


  • Increased civic and democratic engagement of youth at local, national, and European levels through action-led initiatives, digital, and physical mobility.
  • Enhanced civic skills of young people, with particular emphasis on critical thinking, digital literacy, and climate justice.
  • Increased youth participation in political dialogue.
  • Greater cooperation among youth NGOs promoting youth engagement online and digital mobility at the European level.

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