
Together against hate!

In response to the dramatic increase and pervasiveness of hate speech and related acts, the newly created National Network for the fight against hate speech and hate related violence was presented on July 14th 2020.

Many entities have decided to participate in this ambitious project with us: two international NGOs (Amnesty International Italia, COSPE Onlus); eight associations (ASGI-Association for Legal Studies on Immigration, ARCI, Carta di Roma Association, Giulia Giornaliste Association, Lunaria, Pangea Onlus, Vox-Italian Observatory on Rights, Lenford Network); a transnational movement (No Hate Speech Movement Italia); researchers from eight universities (Bicocca, Bologna, Florence, Padua, Reading (UK), Statale Milano, Trento, Verona) and three research centers (CNR Palermo; Center for religious sciences and Center for Information and Communication Technology of the Foundation Bruno Kessler); a study center (Cestudir Venezia); two observatories (OSCAD-Observatory for safety against discriminatory acts, Pavia Observatory); the National Bar Council and the Fundamental Rights Commission of the Venice Criminal Chamber. Finally, the UNAR – National Office for Racial Anti-Discrimination participates in the discussion promoted by the Network.

The Network will deal with: promoting and supporting advocacy and lobby actions; conducting research; sharing good storytelling practices; creating ad hoc projects; promoting and sharing educational and training courses; raising awareness and mobilizing civil society.

For more information, you can read the press release (in Italian) on the Carta di Roma Association website which is among the promoters of the initiative: https://urly.it/3777y.